Monday 26 October 2015

Inspirational Rocks


We went to the river for morning tea and collected our rocks.

We are lucky as we live close to the river (at the moment its very low) I did notice that you can buy bags of rocks at the bargain shops or landscaping nurseries and even hardware stores.

Then all we needed was the markers. I bought these uni Paint Markers from the newsagent. They seem to work really well on the rocks.

I gave the rocks a wash and they were completely dry before we started decorating them.

At first it was hard to think of inspirational words/phrases to paint on the rocks so I googled some, once we began the words/phrases keep rolling on their own and so did our patterns!!

Some of the words/patterns I did the layered effect and found that if you used the white first as the base the end result just looked better. When I did the white on top the other colour seem to come through and it looked a bit fuzzy and not as clean.

We were very pleased with the end result.



I took the dog for a walk on some bush walking tracks around our local lookout SO every now and again I placed one of the rocks on the track for all to see. Hopefully they were seen and ‘inspired’ others to have a great day.

(Serenas rocks were ‘too precious’ to do anything with other than keeping!! Lol )

P.S. A week later and most of the rocks were still on the  bush walking tracks!! 

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