Heart T-Shirt
We jazzed up an old plain T-shirt
We found a plain old $4 t-shirt in Serenas cupboard that she
won’t wear again because it’s too ‘plain and boring’ SO we jazzed it

I then measured 1.5cm strips across the heart on the t-shirt
but Serena wanted the strips to go DOWN so I remeasured the strips to go down!!
(that’s why our heart has criss-crosses. Lol)
Just be careful that you only cut the back side of the t-shirt and not to nick any other part. You can slip an old magazine into the shirt to make it easier if you need to. Our cutting wasn’t that great but after you wash the t-shirt the strips ‘curl’ more so it’s not that noticeable.
Yet again another great result from an easy DIY project!!